Friday, November 8, 2019

Define mind and body dualism essays

Define mind and body dualism essays Define mind/body dualism, in contrast to materialism. Explain Descartes evidence that the mind is a substance distinct from the body. What is the error that Descartes theory makes, according to Ryle? Finally, assess Ryles behaviorism: do you think it is a satisfactory view of our mental states? Mind and body dualism is defined by mental things and physical things are fundamentally distinct kinds of entities. It states that people have only mental properties (mind), and organisms have only physical properties (body). They are two different things. If mind/body dualism is true then the person you see in the mirror is not you. You are not that organism. If you are killed, its not really you, its just an organism. Materialism states that everything is physical. In Eliminative Materialism there is no such thing as hope, love, and desire. We use these terms, but it is not really true. It is just a different way of talking. Everything is physical, but our speech is expressing it differently. An example would be a person saying that the sun is behind a building. This is not true. It is just a figure of speech. Reductive Materialism states another reason why everything is physical. It states that there were many instances where people started with ordinary words and then used sc ientific words. An example of this would be water and H2O. They are identical, but go by two different names. The same could be said for belief. Belief, Materialist say, is just temporal lobe activity. In mind/body dualism we can only know about other people through the behavior of bodies we perceive. Mind/body dualism is compatible with the following: 1) The behavior of bodies is exactly as it is, 2) The behavior of bodies is exactly as it is, 3) The behavior of bodies is exactly as it is, ...

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